Picture300 Calorie Turkey Burger
Who doesn’t love a delicious, grilled turkey burger with avocado? Better yet, less than 300 calories! Yes, this is happening.

I was so excited when this guy named Alvin told me about his 300 calorie turkey burger. I decided to modify the recipe a bit, not because of free will, but because I didn’t have it in my tiny apartment. I had to remove the egg whites and bread crumbs that help to hold the patty together. However, the George Foreman Grill was the perfect solution to make a solid lean patty.

Time: 40 minutes to prep/cook

Serving size: 6 burgers

Ingredients: Safeway and Trader Joe’s

  1. George Foreman Grill
  2. 99% lean ground turkey meat (1.6lb, bought it at Safeway Supermarket)
  3. avocado-sliced
  4. roma tomatoes-sliced
  5. arugula
  6. spinach
  7. 100 Calorie Whole Wheat Buns
  8. Onion – half an onion, minced
  9. Garlic-3 cloves, mined
  10. salt-2 pinch
  11. black pepper-4 pinch
  • Turkey Patty: mince the garlic and onions, then mix it with the ground turkey meat in a bowl, then add the salt and pepper, roll up a palm sized patty and flatten it, place onto the George Foreman (3-4minutes)
  • Burger Materials: grill the burger bun inside the George Foreman (30 seconds), slice of the avocados and tomatoes, add some arugula and spinach

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